Sunday, January 23, 2011

A new book and outfit!

I did buy one gift for myself at Christmas that I forgot to tell everyone about.  It is a book about Priscilla Mullins.  Do any of you girls know who she is? She was a famous Mayflower passenger.  Not only that, but my daughter and I are direct descendants of her.  I am the 13th generation back, and my daughter is the 14th.  Here is the book:
This is a children's book, and it is so easy to read.  When I read it I was very inspired by this woman's faith and strength.
This woman was tested by everything, and she came out of the test as GOLD.

I also bought the outfit for her.  I could have actually made this myself and made it a little more authentic, but I was so busy over the holidays.  It looks great on Rebecca.  I hope to pass this on to my grandchildren one day.  I highly recommend reading this book!


  1. Hey, so we're shirttail relatives by marriage! :) My husband is related to John Alden, who married Priscilla. :) I'm not sure of the exact relation, though.

  2. beast-sbelle - How cool is that? John and Priscilla had 11 children, 69 grandchildren, and nearly 500 great grandchildren. There are estimated to be over a million Alden descendants today. Pretty awesome!
